Monday, July 5, 2010


I've been working a lot with custom ink colors lately.  The theory behind color is that any color can be made with 6 basic colors plus black and white.  The colors are warm and cool blue, warm and cool red, and warm and cool yellow.

In theory, this is fine.  In execution, for someone who is not an artist, this proves to be a little more difficult.  In most cases it takes multiple tries and a whole lot of muddy looking olive green attempts before the right color is reached.

The top green is a nice sage green that I did for a recent wedding that I think will use again as sage is a pretty popular wedding color.

The pink in the back is more like a salmon color that I used for a rehearsal dinner.  I've used this a lot more, mostly for samples.

In all of the mixing I've been doing, I also discovered Panatone color guides.  These are decks of color swatches that tell you the correct parts of color to mix to achieve the desired color.  It's made my life a lot easier.

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