Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Work Area

So, I thought as my first post, I'd show everyone what my work space looks like.  It's nothing fancy, it's more or less a little spot along my hallway where my sister perfectly placed my desk.

I work on a light board most of the time, so that I can see guidelines through the envelopes or whatever else I'm working on.  It takes up a large portion of my desk and is a little cumbersome, so I'm currently trying to figure out a way to downsize that.  They have light pads that are 8x11 that might be a better option.  When you live in a basement apartment with not a ton of room, you have to improvise.

I also took a close up of some of my pens and my latest ink mixing escapade.  I've been asked to do a lot of matching inks to invitations, linens, flowers, etc lately and so I feel a little like a mad scientist.  It actually looks pretty clean considering my mixing skills.

Notice the microscopic writing on the lid of the green ink.  It took me about 5 tries to get the right color of green so I figured I should probably write down for future use how I actually did it.

The paint pen and jelly roll pens probably look a little out of place, but they are for some upcoming projects.  Stay tuned.......

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